Need Help With Your ACU Loans?
Take Control of Your Finances with ACU's Financial Relief Program
Even the most responsible person can be overwhelmed by bills and expenses when they experience an illness, injury, death or job loss. Navigating financial hardships is intimidating enough, and trying to understand the various options and terminology only makes asking for help feel scarier. But help for both consumer loans – things like car loans, personal loans, and credit cards – and mortgages is sometimes available to you. It is important to us to help you on every part of your financial journey.
If you are experiencing a financial hardship and would like to apply for our Financial Relief Program*, please complete the form below.
Financial Relief Request Form
Email is not a secure form of communication. Please do not include any personal account information in your email to ACU.
A team member will contact you regarding your request within 3 business days.
Thank you for being a member of Ashland Credit Union.
*Only loans financed with Ashland Credit Union qualify for review in the ACU Financial Relief Program. Not all applicants will qualify. When your request is received a team member will contact you to discuss your request further. At that time, you may be asked to complete a loan application. Again, not all that apply will be approved. Ashland Credit Union does not pay or assume any debts or provide legal, financial, tax advice, or credit repair services. You should consult with independent professionals for such advice or services. Please consult with a bankruptcy attorney for information on bankruptcy.